We recently moved to Bloomington, Indiana from Chicago. We downsized substantially, so our new home is smaller. My husband and I were almost finished remodeling our home in Chicago when we felt led to downsize and move. We made this drastic move for many reasons, one of them was for me to have more time to blog and write.
Most of the bedrooms at our previous house were remodeled and decorated, with the exception of my daughter's room. I had every intention of making it beautiful and cozy but never got around to it. Mainly because finances became very tight and I had too big of a vision to match the bank account.
So when we moved to Bloomington I knew that the first room I wanted done was my daughters room. She is a sophomore in high school and is an artist. So to keep things simple we painted her wall white because everything else was going to be fun and colorful. Just like my daughter.
When you are working with a small space you want to use light colors so that the room appears to be bigger.
The last owners painted the room a dark blue and it looked even smaller than it actually is.
My daughter Aniah asked if her room could look like Jasmine's bedroom from the movie Aladdin. My answer was, "that is tacky", my alternative was a Moroccan Bohemian inspired look.
My daughter fell in love with this merlot velvet comforter from Target. I worked the color and decor based on the color and feel of the comforter. When i decorate a room my inspiration for the rest of the room usually begins with the bedding or rug. However Aniah was adamant on this comforter.
I paired the comforter with a black and white throw, I picked up last year at H&M home. I then combined the colors mint and coral and viola.
I paired the comforter with a black and white throw, I picked up last year at H&M home. I then combined the colors mint and coral and viola.

Doggy model on bed: Not for sale (HaHaHa)
Hanging plants: Cactus Flower Boutique
Curtains: IKEA
Light mint polka dot bedding: Target
Merlot velvet comforter: Target
Geometric patterned black and white throw with pompoms: H M Home
Cream chanille knitted blanket: Target
Peachy pink tasseled & gold sequined throw pillow: Macy's (I got this pillow on clearance for $7)
Macrame throw pillow: Macy's
I got this macramé pillow at Macy's on clearance (I paid $10)
Here are links to some other options: Etsy , World Market
Pillows sourced above
Macarme blue dipped wall hanging: Amazon
Decorative gold and marble hooks: Target
Gold Door mirror: Target
Midcentury Inspired Pinleg Desk: Custom built by my husband He Builds She Paints
Knobs on desk: Hearth Hand Knobs - Target
Wishbone chair: Target
Pillow on chair I bought at an estate sale
Shelf: Built by my husband: He Builds She Paints
Rug: Amazon
Aniah loves to draw, paint and sketch so I wanted to make a space where she could create. We used every corner of her room to maximize space. This wall is very tiny so we custom built this desk and shelf. All her supplies are hiding in the bohemian suitcase underneath her desk.
As you can tell the top of her dresser was housing a lot of trinkets and items. Our solution: MORE SHELVES.
To give more dimension we hung the shelves higher than the mirror. We found this dresser at Ikea and it was untreated. I stained it with a mix of natural and provincial stain and conditioned it with a furniture wax. I then added these knobs from Hobby Lobby but I waited for them to be 50% off.
Ikea Hack Dresser: IKEA
Knobs: Hobby Lobby
Round Mirror: (previously in my bedroom) Target
I wanted to give these bifold closet doors a little bit of glam, so we added trim to give it this geometric design. We painted the closet doors a high gloss white paint and added these black knobs. I plan on doing a separate blog on how we accomplished this look.
Bifold doors: Menards
Knobs: Target
Green Glass Bottle: Purchased at an Antique market
Decorative Wood Molding on top of closet: Antique market
Curtain Rods: Target
Curtains: IKEA
I love how it turned out but more importantly my daughter says it feels like an oasis she can relax in. As you can see our doggy Reeses agrees with her.
Red Dresser: Nadeau - Furniture with a soul
Bed: Custom built by my husband He Builds She Paints Aniah's Window
Bedding sources listed above
Luggage: Estate Sale
Blue Floor Pillow: Gift
Geometric Light Fixture: Lowe's (I paid $12 for this light, I found it in the clearance area)
Rug: Amazon
Absolutely perfect! Love how you maximized the space.